Momma G.O.A.T. Ch. 02

Hello Reader. Here is chapter 2! I would also like to apologize for not remembering to credit her in the first chapter, but the idea for my story came from Heather26's story "A Holstaur Came to Stay". I thought that was a great read, and if you like this or my last chapter, please give it a look! Once again, I am the sole writer and editor so some grammatical errors are bound to happen, and all characters are over 18.

* * * * *

After Pam had "milked" Tim, they both had a shower, got dressed and headed out to get clothes. They got in Tim's car to head to the mall in town. As they pulled out of the driveway, Pam turned to Tim.

"Ummm, Tim..." she began, as she looked to him.

He glanced over, wondering what was troubling her.

"Yes Pam?" He asked

"Could we listen to the radio please?" She asked as she nervously twirled a finger through her hair. "I listened to it for the first time when Dorothy drove me here, and I-I really liked it" she finished explaining, looking at her hands.

Tim smiled at her innocence as he reached over and turned on the radio. "Of course, we can" he said as he looked to her.

Pam broke out into a beaming smile aimed at Tim. Soon, she was gently swaying to the music as she tried to repeat the chorus.

When songs came on that he liked, Tim would sing the lyrics, and Pam would smile and try to repeat after him. It was a pleasant ride to the mall, full of giggles and meaningful looks.

Once they got into the bigger part of the city, closer to the mall, Pam spent most of her time looking out the window. She was used to seeing trees and fields having grown up on the farm. But she had only ever seen the city while driving through with Dorothy on the way to Tim's.

She would ask Tim what all the bigger buildings were for when she saw them. He explained what apartment buildings were, Sports centres, hotels, there was even a casino Pam saw in passing. She really liked the way it lit up with a bunch of different colours.

Tim would watch Pam whenever he could take his eyes off the road. He loved how everything seemed to amaze her. It reminded him of the first time he had ever seen a city or an impressive landmark as a child. She genuinely seemed to be amazed by everything. Each new thing held a world of mystery for her, and he did not mind explaining things to her in the slightest.

By the time they got to the mall, Pam had settled down and just gazed about in passive amazement, accepting not being able to explore everything she saw.

They parked close to the entrance. Tim got out of the car and opened up Pam's door for her. She smiled up at him "Thank you Tim" she said as she got out.

"Of course, Pam" he replied with a small bow.

Pam smiled and giggled at that. Tim made her feel so special.

As she stepped out, Tim noticed she tucked her tail under her dress. She appeared to wrap it around her leg a couple of times, and when he looked again, it appeared as if she didn't have one. "Clever" he thought.

Together, they walked to the entrance. The clip clop of her hooves echoed in the parking garage.

Pam was a little startled by the automatic doors, and she quickly clung to Tim's arm. He chuckled despite himself, but he placed his hand over hers on his arm and patted it. "Don't worry Pam" he said, "they just open and close automatically. There is a motion sensor that sees people coming" he explained, pointing up to the top of the doors.

Pam's gaze followed his finger and she looked towards the door curiously, but still nervous. She kept her hands clinging to Tim's arm, though she slackened her tight grip. Tim smiled to himself and did nothing to move her hands.

They walked through the doors and entered the mall. It wasn't as busy as it would have been on a weekend, but there were still a lot of people milling about. People leaving and entering stores, some with bags, and some without. Many of them talking to others or on the phone.

Tim felt Pam's grip tighten on his arm as she gazed about nervously. He patted her arm again as he looked at her and smiled reassuringly. Pam looked to him and smiled back, blushing at her own nerves. Together they walked towards the directory.

Tim pointed at where they were, and explained which stores would probably have woman's clothes. Pam followed along, and chose to go to Lulu Lemon. She had never particularly liked lemons when she had had them on the farm, they were very sour, but she did like their colour. Yellow was a warm happy colour she thought. Tim also said it was nice quality clothing.

Together, with Pam still holding onto Tim's arm, they walked through the mall. A lot of people threw glances their way. The polite ones merely looked once. The ones less able to control themselves took second glances or flat out stared until they had passed.

Tim felt Pam's grip tighten on his arm again, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable from all the attention too. However, he didn't want Pam to see it, so he smiled at her and kept walking, ignoring everyone around them.

He leaned over to Pam and whispered in her ear. "They're just jealous you're not on their arm. Its not everyday they see a Satyr, and even less often a person so beautiful as you" he finished with a wink.

Pam smiled back at Tim, it didn't stretch as far as he knew it could, but in her eyes, he saw genuine gratitude. "Thank you, Tim," she whispered into his shoulder as she hid her face momentarily. As she did, she squeezed his arm. Then, she brought her face back up; her nerves seemed to have calmed, and she looked forward again with her chin held higher.

They turned a corner, and there was the store they were looking for. They walked up to the attendant standing in front. She looked to be about mid-twenties and had straight brown hair with soft brown eyes. She noticed them walking towards her long before they were within speaking distance.

Tim noticed her eyes track up and down Pam's legs like everyone else in the mall had been doing. However, she just had a mild look of surprise and intrigue. As they approached, she looked at them both and smiled brightly.

"Hello and welcome to Lulu Lemon" she began. "Before I go any further, I would just like to say that I absolutely Love your legs!" she squeaked, looking at Pam now.

Pam blushed and hid one hoof behind the other shyly. "Thank you very much. I was starting to worry that everybody hated them"

"No!" the attendant said flipping a hand in the air dismissively. "I think they are absolutely gorgeous, don't you?" this she asked Tim as she turned to look at him.

Tim nodded his head and smiled in agreement. "Absolutely Gorgeous is correct" he concurred.

Pam blushed deeper.

"See. Nothing to worry about" she offered Pam a warm smile.

"But yes, welcome to Lulu Lemon! My name is Tracy and if you need anything, please just let me know; I would be delighted to help"

"Thank you very much" Tim said. "Actually, we are looking to buy Pam" he indicated her direction with his head, "a couple sets of clothing as she just moved and needs a new wardrobe"

"Well, well if you aren't the lucky little miss" Tracy said, smiling and raising an eyebrow at Pam. "Going out for a little shopping spree is it?"

Pam nodded, blushing, and unsure of what to say looked to Tim.

"Well," Tim began, "If we could keep it to a tiny spree that would be ideal" he finished, scratching his neck.

"Of course, of course. We won't break the bank today don't you worry" Tracy said as she turned around and led them into the store with a wave of her hand.

"What did you want to start with?" Tracy asked looking at Pam.

"Umm. I'm not sure..., I like dresses" she said meekly, holding the hem of hers.

Tracy smiled back, assuaging any of Pam's insecurities "Well dresses it is then!" she said and led them to that section of the store.

"God bless her soul" Tim thought as he looked at how supportive and friendly Tracy was being to Pam. He had been really nervous bringing her. He knew that some people were pretty racist towards non-humans, and he had been worried that they might not serve Pam at all. Tracy was doing a very good job subverting those expectations.

There were a couple dresses that Pam picked out with the help of Tracy, they were quite nice and different in their purposes. One was thin and summery like her current one. It was a pale cream with flowers on it, and had a band around the middle to tie the dress tighter or looser. The other two were a bit more professional and were dark blue and black. Not too form fitting, but less flowy than the first.

Tim felt his pants start to strain a little as he imaged Pam's curvaceous figure filling out the dresses. He felt heat rise to his cheeks and he tried to think of other things.

He had taxes coming up soon he realized with a frown. Quickly, it turned into a smile as he noticed his pants felt roomier once more.

The girls decided to take the dresses to the changing room and try them on. Tim followed along, keeping his distance so that they could talk about the clothes and what Pam liked, but close enough that she knew he was still there and hadn't left her. She would look back and him and give him happy but shy smiles every now and then.

Once they got to the changing rooms, they ran into an issue however. Tracy noticed that Pam didn't have on any bra underneath her clothes, and it was company policy that you needed one to try on any tops. Sanitary regulations and whatnot.

At this, Tim could see Pam flush red and get embarrassed. He stepped closer, and placed his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. She leaned into him as Tracy explained.

"However," she continued, "We have a few sports bras that we sell, and if you just purchase one of those first, we can try these all on after without any problems!" She finished with a bright smile at Pam.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Tim joined in. "We were probably going to need to get one of those anyways" he added to Pam in a conspiratorial tone. She smiled back at him. "Well, if we were going to have to get one anyways..." she trailed off, gazing up at Tim and smirking.

They followed Tracy to the bra section. She measured Pam, and quickly picked out a bra that would fit best. 32 E apparently. Tim raised his eyebrows appreciatively at that, but quickly shot them down before Pam or Tracy noticed.

Once paid for, they went back to the changing rooms and Tracy led Pam to a room while Tim waited outside her door.

"If you need anything" Tracy began as she handed the items to Pam for her to try on, "different sizes, or perhaps a different dress you saw and liked, just tell Tim and he can come and find me".

"Thank you. You've been so kind and helpful" Pam said, looking at Tracy.

"My pleasure" she smiled, turned and left.

Tim just looked at Pam and gave her a reassuring smile as she walked into the changing room and closed the door quietly.

Inside, Pam quickly sat down on the bench and let out a big sigh. She looked at the clothes in her hands and on the bench beside her, not knowing what to think. She loved looking at all the clothes and picking items out, but she didn't like the looks everyone kept giving her.

Some people looked like Tim did the first time he saw her: amazed and curious, if not a little in awe. But there were others who looked at her with mean and judgemental eyes. She didn't like how they made her feel. Not at all.

"But" she told herself, standing up and looking in the mirror "you have to be a brave Nannie and try on all these clothes and walk out of here unafraid of those looks. Besides" she added as an afterthought, "Tim's looks are the only ones that should matter"

With that in mind, she felt a little more confident and stood up straighter. She stripped out of her dress and let it fall to the floor. She looked in the mirror and appreciated her curvy figure. Her wide hips flared out to the side in nice graceful lines, and her slim waist led up to her ample chest. Her breasts sat perkily, and only sagged slightly due to their sheer mass. Her pink areolas stood out in contrast to her creamy pale skin.

She smiled as she tugged on one of her nipples playfully, remembering Tim's fingers doing the same. She thought about how adorable his face would look if he sucked on her tit like a baby. She moaned as she felt a tiny bit of milk squirt out. Quickly she stopped, and mentally chastised herself. This was not the place to be pleasuring herself she thought.

Looking for the bra, she found it on the bench. She picked it up and turned it around, trying to figure out how to put it on. It didn't take her long, and soon she was struggling to fit her ample bosom into its restraints.

Once she got it on completely, she took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. She liked the look of it, and the material felt nice on her nipples, but she did not like how it constricted her chest. She felt it was a little bit more difficult to breathe.

As she turned, looking at it from different angles, adjusting it as she did, she noticed, to her horror, small dark spots appear over her nipples! Quickly, she took it off, and inspected it. Her milk had leaked out and stained it! Apparently, the pressure it put on her breasts was enough to make her start leaking.

Not knowing what to do, and freaking out a little, she called out in a whispered shout. "Tim!"

"Yes Pam?" came his immediate reply. He sounded close she thought with relief.

"Ummm... Do you think you could come in here please? I seem to have a tiny problem"

Tim felt some heat rise to his cheeks. He discreetly looked around. Right now, he and Pam were the only ones in the changing rooms.

"Yea, give me a sec" he said just before opening the door and slipping inside.

He gently closed it, then turned around and looked at Pam. He felt his jaw hit the floor. She stood in a little puddle of clothes naked except for her panties. She had the bra presented in front of her, her arms squeezing her ample bosom together. He noticed that there were little droplets of milk on her nipples, and little dark stains on the bra. Pam was flushed a pink colour, and she was biting her nip nervously.

"It squeezed my milk out of me" she explained, fidgeting with one hoof.

"Oh" Tim stated stupidly, as he tried to keep his gaze somewhere other than Pam's breasts.

"Well, I suppose that's not great is it?" he asked as he scratched his head.

"I don't know!" Pam said, looking more nervous now that Tim apparently was just a clueless as her.

"Don't worry!" Tim said placatingly, "It's not a problem we can't fix".

Pam just nodded unsure of it all.

Tim tried to think. They would need to go to another store to get a bra other than a sports bra, and he didn't really feel like leaving this store with no purchases only to come back later having bought another bra. It would be embarrassing for Pam he was sure, not to mention a waste of time.

It seemed like the only solution was to milk Pam so that there would be no more milk to be squeezed out by the bra. He felt blood rise to his cheeks as he got ready to propose his solution.

"It seems to me" he started, going slowly, "the best solution would be to milk you in here, then put the bra on after there is no more milk to be squeezed out by it." He finished and let his hands hang by his side.

"Oh, that sounds like a great idea!" Pam said, her eyes lighting up, and the nerves seeming to flee her. She looked around the room quickly, and then, not finding anything turned to Tim. "You don't have a bottle on you, do you?" she asked.

Tim shook his head, and felt more blood rush to his face. However, he didn't volunteer himself yet.

Pam's face dropped as she thought she would have to leave the store empty handed, and embarrassed. Then, Tim spoke up.

"I umm- I could uh, I could drink your milk" He stuttered out. "If its uh, straight from you to me, we don't really need a bottle" he finished in a quiet voice, looking at his feet as he shuffled them.

Pam felt herself grow hot at Tim's words. She felt blood rushing to her nether regions as she looked at him, so adorable and shy talking about sucking on her teats. The very thing she had fantasized about not minutes before!

She felt the rest of her worries go away as she saw Tim so nervous in front of her. She stepped towards him and took one of his hands in hers. "Oh Tim, please! You would be such a life saver" she said as she gently guided one of his hands to her breast.

She watched him swallow the lump in his throat. "O-Of course. Anything to help" he said as he shot her a nervous smile.

Gently, she backed up and led Tim to the bench at the back of the changing room. He followed, gently keeping his hand on her breast. She smiled at the touch, and felt him massage it ever so gently. His fingers found her nipple and rolled it between them.

She gently pushed Tim down on the bench. He sat obediently, and shyly looked up at her, now holding both her breasts. Slowly, she lowered herself until she was sitting on his lap, straddling him. Her legs came out behind her and she tucked her hooves into the inside of his thighs to keep herself from sliding off.

Tim gulped as he felt her warm body settle down on his lap. He immediately felt his response growing in his pants. Pam smiled down at him as she felt it too. She ran her fingers through his hair gently as he continued teasing her nipples.

As he teased her, he noticed Pam's tail appear behind her. It flicked back and forth in pleasure as he got her teats ready to be milked.

He knew the process somewhat by now, and soon he had tiny streams of milk coming out of her nipples. He looked up at Pam and saw her biting her lip. With her gentle guidance, he brought his head forward, and latched onto one of her nipples.

As soon as he did, Pam leaned her head back and let out a long, contended sigh. She thrust her chest forward, and Tim felt her breast press into his face. He breathed in her sent as her warm flesh made contact with his own. He swallowed the little bit of milk that had been on her breast and relished her creamy rich flavour.

He sighed himself, savouring it for just a moment before gently beginning to suck. He heard Pam make a cute little chirp, but she quieted herself. Tim sucked, and felt more of her warm milk shoot into his mouth. He swallowed, and sucked again. More creamy milk shot into his mouth and he felt his arousal growing. His motions became slightly more desperate as his body responded on a primitive level and he sought more delicious nutrients.

Pam started thrusting her hips forward, rubbing herself over Tim's growing bulge as she wrapped her hands around his head and buried his face in her chest. Her groin was heating up considerably, and she felt herself getting wet.

All too soon, the one breast seemed to be out. Tim quickly switched to the other one, and sucked hard. Pam gasped as she felt a gush of milk leave her. At the same time, it seemed a gush of fluid left her downstairs too. She whimpered as she started thrusting harder.

Her poor little clit was really getting beat up by Tim's cock through both her panties and his pants; she absolutely loved it. Tim mauled at her one tit while continuing to suck on the other. His other hand came around her waist, and grabbed onto her ass cheek under her dress. He pulled her further onto him, encouraging her grinding.

Pam felt a pressure growing inside of her. It felt like a tiny little balloon that was about to pop. "Oh, Tim" she moaned into his ear quietly "Milk me! Drink it all baby" she whispered. Tim sucked harder, and her nipple tingled with electricity.

"OOoooh" she began to mewl, sensing her climax approaching, when suddenly! "Tim, Pam, are you both in there still?" Tracy called from outside.

"Are there any problems?" she asked further.r"


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