Dating a Porn Actress Pt. 02

I hope everyone enjoyed Dating a Porn Actress. I'm sorry about all the typos, misspellings, incorrect usage of grammar, that kind of thing. I did my best. MidwestConnection. Enjoy


I could tell Christy was relieved. We held hands all the way to the restaurant. She was smiling the entire way there. She acted as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, and she glowed with happiness.

I was happy for Christy, but I had a million questions running through my head. She had just told me this incredible story about her life, and a bit about working as a porn actress, yet it lead to more questions than answers. I didn't want to start badgering her with questions, It was thrilling for me to see her so happy.

We wound up eating at the same Mexican restaurant that we had eaten at a few days earlier. It wasn't as nearly as crowded as it was for taco Tuesday. Christy sat across from me at the table, holding her right hand with my left hand just about the entire time. She gripped my hand securely, not wanting to let go. I think it gave her some kind of assurance.

After dinner, while we were sitting at the table and enjoying our drinks, she asked me if there was anything else I wanted to know about her past. Of course I had questions, but I wasn't going there, at least not yet. She told me that when she would usually tell someone what she had done, they would start hammering her with questions. Understandably. After all, before she started working at the insurance company, her previous career was unconventional to say the least.

I didn't want to be that person. I knew that my questions would get answered over time. And it was time that I wanted with Christy. I didn't want to rush things with her. I had to give her some space and keep her smiling and laughing.

Not only was the conversation great, but so was the view from across the table. Christy has a magic smile, and a sweet face, but the V-neck shirt she was wearing was providing an ample amount of eye candy. Her boobs were consuming much of my attention. Sometimes I'd lose track of what she was saying. It wasn't my fault.

I flipped on her though. I suddenly got this serious look on my face and said "Christy, there's one thing I need to tell you about, but I'd rather show you then explain it to you. Would you mind coming back to my place for a while. It's kind of weird."

Her eyes got wide and was thinking herself "what now?" I told her it's nothing horrible, but you need to know, and that she really needed to come to my house to see it. She agreed.

I took her inside, and she began to compliment me on my house, and that she thought it was very cute. I showed her around a bit, and I pointed out some photos of my family that I wanted her to see. Then I said "are you ready check out my big surprise? It's in the basement."

I think she was kind of weirded out that we were going to the basement. She wasn't hesitant, just perplexed. At least that's what I assumed by looking at the expression on her face. I turned on the first basement light as we walked down the stairs. Once we were in the basement, I turned on the main basement lights, and that's when I heard her say "Oh my God!"

Christy was shocked to see my massive toy train layout. The layout consumed a good part of the basement. She started to walk around the set, just admiring all the landscape scenery, models of buildings, and all the little details that go into a train set. Then I asked her if she'd like to drive a train. I think I fell in love with her right then when she enthusiastically said yes. I gave her an engineers hat to put on, and she started to laugh, yet eagerly put it on. She is just so damned cute.

I think she liked playing engineer. Especially tooting the horn. After awhile, I had several trains going at once. She let me take over the engineering duties while she walked around the set again, taking in the details.

At one point she focused on the little drive-in movie scene that I had created. I said "Christy, do want to hear something funny and kind of creepy at the same time?" She nodded her head yes. I told her during Christmas that I move part of the set to the community center in town so the public can see my work and enjoy the trains.

I said at least once a year some guy, and it's always a guy, will say some smart-ass comment while looking at the the drive-in and ask "what's playing at the drive-in tonight, a porn flick?" I was attempting to be funny, but Christy shocked me when she said, without missing a beat, "Gee, I hope it'd be one of my movies playing at your drive-in."

How am I supposed to respond to that? We both started cracking up. She walked back over to me, wrapped her arms around me, and we started kissing. Here we are, making out in the basement, after playing with trains. Totally awesome. After some heavy kissing and hugging, Christy said "why don't we head upstairs?" I'm like "giddy up!" I was finally going to get one of my questions answered. Are they real or not?

FYI, they're fake! Yet they felt absolutely great, and they're big too. Once in my bedroom, we really started going at it. Clothes were coming off. She said as she was nearly naked that she'd like to take a quick shower. I asked if I could join her. My shower stall was fairly small, but it worked out great, because we we're totally rubbing up on one another, kissing the whole time. My dick was so hard.

Her body was magnificent. She had a few extra pounds, but so did I. We weren't twenty anymore. It was a quick soap and rinse job. She had tied her hair up to keep it from getting wet. My cock was rubbing all over her. I couldn't help it because I was so hard and stiff.

We dried off and headed to my bed. This was going to be my first time getting laid in a long, long time. It was deep, passionate sex. Christy's tanned body was hypnotizing, plus those spectacular tits. We were so hot for each other. My cock was in her pussy minutes after we hit the bed. She orgasmed multiple times. There was no doubt. Her eyes would roll back, and her body would spasm. She told me to cum inside of her, and I did.

We didn't go at it for very long, but it was passionate and very fulfilling. Along with Christy, I was content, satisfied, and very happy. Then I blurted out "how was it?" Right then, in my head, I'm thinking "oh no, she's going to compare me to every guy she's ever slept with, or worked with." Then other questions came to my mind like "how many guys has she slept with or worked with? Is my cock small compared to what she's experienced before?" Yet I didn't say a thing. Part of me wanted to know, but then again I really didn't want to know. I would find out in time though.

We laid next to each other, with our bodies intertwined. After about twenty minutes, she leaned up in the bed. She looked me in the eyes, smiled, then lifted the sheet to where we were both fully exposed. She crawled down, grabbed my limp cock, then placed it in her mouth.

She made it come alive. She had me fully hard again. She climbed on top and rode me. Unlike the first time we did it, she started talking dirty, saying things like "are you going to make this pussy cum? Fuck me hard!" She kept encouraging me to fill her pussy. It was great, and all I had to do was lay there and concentrate. I was about to cum, when suddenly, she hoped off me, and stuck my cock between her lips. I erupted. Twice in one night. I was proud of myself. Not bad for a forty five year old!

She laid back down next to me. No trace of my cum. She swallowed everything that I gave her. Wow! But again, thoughts kept racing through my head. "This is not her first time swallowing cum. How many times had she done this before? Where did she learn to work a cock so well?" These questions weren't going to get answered tonight, but they would in time.

We fell asleep, and woke up about an hour later. She said she wanted to go back to her place, shower, and spend the night. She asked me to come along. I grabbed my overnight bag and followed her out the door. We picked up my car from the park, and I followed her back to her place where we soon fell asleep.

Christy woke up around seven to get ready for work. I wasn't in a hurry to get out of bed. I was exhausted. She said if I wanted to sleep in, to go on ahead. Also, she said she didn't have much in the way for food for me to eat, but it was ok for me to go into the kitchen and make myself at home. She had total trust in me,

She left for work. She gave me an extra key and told me to lock the deadbolt when I left. We had only known each other for a week, but we had already fucked and she was giving me a key. This relationship was moving fast, and I was totally cool with it. Luckily I wasn't working today. "What to do with my time?" I was thinking to myself. The answer was obvious. Snoop.

And snoop I did. Her tiny apartment was very clean and organized. Like I said earlier, it was sparsely decorated. Before I began, I got myself dressed. I looked in her bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Nothing interesting. Of course she had that picture of her and her daughter Emily in the living room. Both of them are so hot.

I knew snooping was wrong, but I just couldn't help myself. Plus, it wasn't like I was emptying cabinets, it was more of a light snoop. While in her bedroom, I looked around a little more thoroughly, starting with her nightstand. After opening up the top drawer, I noticed some lube and three sex toys. One was clearly for anal fun. "Damn!" I'm thinking to myself. "Christy is kinky."

The lower drawer was even more shocking for me. Inside she had a small stack of magazines and five DVD's. I was getting ready to pick them up, but I hesitated. I knew snooping was wrong, but pulling out her porn collection seemed like I was really crossing the line. Yet, I had to take quick glance.

I first picked up a DVD and examined the cover. There was a very young Christy, along with several other girls, topless on the cover. It was a compilation video. She was on the cover of another video, this time with a guy. Again, she was very young. I could tell it was her, but someone else might of had a harder time recognizing her on the cover.

She was beautiful. She had already had her boob job. She wasn't on the cover of the other movies, but she did appear in the movies according to the outside of the box. There was a small picture of her on the back of the DVD covers. Yet her name wasn't on the cover. With some laymen detective work, I realized she didn't use her real name.

Next, I picked up a magazine. She was on the cover along with Lisa. It wasn't Playboy or Penthouse, but it was a major men's magazine. I never opened it up. I just didn't want to.

Because of the magazine cover, I was able to figure out both her and Lisa's aliases. But I knew I had to be careful and not slip up and mention either name until she told me what her fake name was.

I knew I was disrespecting Christy by snooping around, but my curiosity had been killing me. I put everything back exactly how I found it. I looked around some more, packed up, then left.

We texted back and forth throughout the day. I asked her if I could surprise her with something at her place when she got home. She said "absolutely." I got busy that day buying food, flowers, and a small gift. Plus, I needed to give her back her door key. I was totally infatuated with Christy.

I made her dinner, set the table with flowers, and waited for her to walk in the door. Once she came home, was just dumbfounded. She smiled and then began to cry a bit. We hugged and kissed. I let her relax a bit, and then we started eating and drinking some wine. She was loving the attention I was giving her.

I handed her the gift. It was the same size as a jewelry box, like one you would get at a jewelry store when you buy a ring. Christy was hesitant to open it. She was probably thinking that there was an actual ring inside. I could tell she was slightly relieved when she realized that it was a lapel pin that said "Brian's Railroad." It had an R.R. inscribed on it along with a box car. The pins were novelty gifts that I gave kids at Christmas time after they looked at my train display. I forgot to give Christy a pin the day before while in the basement. She loved it, and even put it on.

We cleaned up the kitchen and the small dining room table. Christy went to her bedroom and started taking off her clothes. She wanted to wear something more comfortable. I had a full view of her since she left the door open. She looked stunning, just standing there naked. She put on some sweats and a sweat shirt and came back into the living room.

She asked if we could just sit on the couch, watch some t.v., and relax. She had mentioned while eating that she was tired from working. It had been a rough Monday at work apparently. We cuddled together on the couch under a blanket, then she asked me what I'd like to watch. I began thinking of her videos in her nightstand, and I started laughing. She asked me what was so funny? I didn't say a word.

We started watching a movie. She was kind of dozing off as the movie played. At one point though, a pretty graphic sex scene started taking place. Christy immediately perked up. Her right handed grabbed my cock over the top of my jeans. The sex scene was making her stir.

A younger couple were really going at it. It wasn't a porn film, and they didn't really show anything except for the woman's boobs, but it was steamy just the same. After they finished the scene, Christy reached for the remote and turned off the t.v. Next, she pulled off the blanket, followed by her top. Those tits, so big and firm, were just mesmerizing. At this point she went to the floor, got on her knees, and started unbuttoning my pants.

Again, another great blowjob. While she was working her magic, I asked if I could go down on her. She smiled, stood up, and started to remove her sweat pants. Next, she had me lay down on my back with my head on the armrest of the couch. As I was looking up, she squatted over the top of my face with her pussy. She tasted great and her pussy was so beautiful.

Yet again, thoughts started racing through my head. It's hard to concentrate on the job at hand when you're thinking about things like, "I wonder how many other people have had their head between these legs? Male and female! Am I any good at pleasing her this way compared to some porn actor?" All these thoughts were really messing with my head.

Christy made it clear verbally, and I could tell by the way her body would spasm, that yes, I was doing just fine while eating her out. She was just grinding away. It was awesome. At several points she would arch her back, causing her hips to move forward over my face. The motion caused her ass cheeks to spread, and I found my tongue flicking her asshole, then she would slide back until again her pussy was directly over my face. She was indeed kinky. She knew what she liked.

After she orgasmed, she climbed off my face, then had me sit on the couch. Next, she straddled herself over the top of my cock with her pussy, and started to lower herself. Again she would say sexually charged things like "fuck my pussy!" and "suck my tit's." This girl is the best. We finished up, said goodbye, and I drove home. Life was at it's best right now.

Throughout the week we'd continually text and call each other. I could tell she was ecstatic about me and everything that we were able to share. Even though it had only been a little over a week, we were both infatuated with each other, if not in love. As a matter of fact, I was in love. I knew it. I could tell. Soon, I would tell her too.

Saturday night we went out with her coworker and friend Denise, and her husband Mark. Denise was the one who grabbed Christy's boobs on the dance floor last Saturday. Let's just say Denise is a wild child when she has a drink in her. Mark was a good sport about it. He and I would just laugh at Denise's antics. Again, we found ourselves at a bar. The two girls wanted to dance, and Mark and I were kind of forced to go along.

I busted a move or two, but unless it was a slow song, Christy I think preferred to dance with Denise. I was fine with it. Mark and I just sat back with a beer and looked on. Like last time, Denise grabbed Christy's tits with her hands. I was kind of expecting it. I smiled and laughed when I saw her do it. This time though, Denise planted a huge kiss on Christy's lips. Christy's eyes went wide, but she didn't push her away. At first I thought they were doing it for Mark and mine's entertainment, but then I realized that Denise probably was actually attracted to Christy.

"You got to be kidding me?" I'm thinking to myself. I now might be competing for Christy with another girl. But I knew deep down that wasn't the case. Denise just likes to have fun. She likes me and I like her. So what if she wants to jump Christy. I knew Christy and I were solid.

We left the bar around eleven and headed back to Mark and Denise's place. It was very nice and spacious. Kind of like the home I lived in with my ex wife Ann. Mark took care of feeding us drinks once we got to the basement rec room. . We were all laughing, and had a great time talking. Denise sat on the couch right next to Christy. Hip to hip. She was playing with Christy's hair, and "accidently" rubbing her hands on her tits. Every time she did, Christy would place Denise's hands back in her lap, while smiling the whole time. It was cat and mouse like.

Keep in mind, Denise had a few drinks in her when she started talking directly to me. She said "So Brian, what do you think?" And I'm like "about what?" while still laughing. She said "You know, about what Christy used to do for a living?" I was stunned, along with Mark when she asked the question. Yet, Christy is sitting there, with a smile on her face, seemingly waiting for a reply from me. I wondered if Christy prompted Denise to ask the question.

I wasn't sure if Mark and Denise were totally aware that I knew about Christy's porn career. I knew a bit about her former life, but I didn't know all the details. "Where was this conversation going to go?" I asked myself.

I told them that I was ok with what Christy had done in her past, and that I hadn't really thought much about since she had told me. (That was a total lie.) "What does it really matter anyways?" I said. "All I know is that Christy has made the last two weeks the best two weeks of my life." A collective sigh went through the room.

Christy stood up, walked over to me, and gave me a long kiss over Denice's cat calls. I did good. Christy turned and sat on my lap. Then Denise said "that girl has some skills!" referring to Christy. And I'm like "how would you know?" Denise, while laughing says "because I've seen her movies."

I had that "oh fuck" expression on my face, shocked at what Denise had just said. Christy replies in a classy manner saying "I hope I was able to teach you a few tricks Denise." "Mark, well did I?" she said looking back at him.

To Marks credit, he didn't say a word. Christy seemed happy about the line of questioning. Denise chimed in and said "Christy, your movies are awesome, and you looked so young and beautiful. Mark and I love watching them." I could tell Mark was embarrassed by Denise's revelation.

Christy said thank you and said "I'm glad I gave you the copies, and that I'm able to be in your bedroom while you and Mark are getting it on, without actually having to be in your bedroom." We were all were laughing hard at Christy's comment. She is so quick witted.

Then Denise asked me again about what I think. I'm like "about what?"

"About her movies, have you seen one?" Again, I had the "oh fuck" look on my face. I wasn't going to say anything about looking in Christy's nightstand. Denise stands up and says "wait here, let me go get one." r"


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