Roommate - Huge Changes Ch. 02

Ann grabbed the backpack she had left at the side of the door and left it right after in the hallway. She followed me a few steps behind while I was giving the tour. The apartment was clean and had a modern feel with mostly IKEA furniture. All the walls were painted white. Which made the apartment light up with the natural light that flowed in from the giant window located in the living room. She didn't say anything when I described each room just nodded or let out an approving "Mhmm."

I finally say down on the sofa and stretched out may hand pointing towards a seat little further away.

Pointing with a shaking hand I pleaded. "Please take a seat."

She sat down very slowly as if she was worried her petite figure would break the furniture. Her hips were wide and I could tell even with the poofy dress in the way. She folded her hands on her on her lap and breathed out. She gathered her strength. Her face turned serious. Her pale flawless skin was beautiful with just a few freckles on the bridge of her nose. There was a long pause.

Before she had a chance to say anything. "Well so what do you think of the apartment? The empty room would be yours. Your part of the rent would be 1000 dollars. When would you be able move in? Do you need help moving your furniture in? " I rambled without pausing.

Her smile returned to her face. "Y-yeah the apartment is great. The room is nice. I can pay that. I can move in today if possible?"She answered and her smile grew with each sentence.

"G-good! Great! Awesome... so can I ask you a personal question?" I squeaked while also folding my arms underneath my chest.

Her beautiful light blue eyes started flashing back and forth trying to find something to focus on. The smile she carried started becoming more strained.

"Go a head." She spoke in a calm tone.

"So how old are you and are you okay having a male roommate?" I breathed out.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise and her smile became less strained. She was quite expressive and cute. And each time she smiled a little harder her nose scrunched.

"I am 20 years old so a bit younger. And yeah I have no problems with that. I'm asexual so I have no interest in what gender you have. Will it be a problem for you?" She stated and ending her last sentence with concern.

My heart sank a little bit. But that's no worries. I didn't have any plans for it. I'm not ready for any type of relationship. I smiled warmly as I breathed out.

"N-no, that would not be a problem at all. I'm just looking for a good roommate. I won't bother you at all. At all." I finished.

"You can bother me a little bit." She offered. "We're going to be roommates after all." She ended with a smile.

"Well... then I will bother you with helping you carry in furniture." I requested with a cheeky smile.

"Ummm..." Ann hesitated for a second. "I don't actually have any... furniture." She continued with a sad undertone.

"Oh no! What happened? Was there a fire?" I probed with a surprised expression on my face. My heart felt like someone had dipped it in cold water. What had happened to this beautiful woman?

"Hihihi, oh no. Nothing like that." She giggled. "I got kicked out of my parents house." She stated we a lingering giggle.

I knew what having a bad relationship with your parents were like. Me and my parents had not spoken in years since I told them I didn't believed in god. My father cried and my mother got angry.

"Well that sucks. I kinda know what that feels like. But I already had my own place..." I responded.

"Hihihi! Don't worry. I'm kinda glad. I'm free now." She said with a smile on her face.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. So if you're moving into today we gotta sign your lease and get you some furniture!" I proclaimed while raising my body from the sofa with a relief on my face.

She brought her backpack to her room. Asked if she could repaint the walls. Which was fine as long as we painted it back when she moved. She didn't have a car or any furniture in her name. So we had a ride to a local furniture store with a cute little squirrel as their logo. We got her a bed, desk and little bedside table. They were a bit too cutesy in my opinion. Pink were their colors with rounded corners.

Three months passed quickly. We enjoy each others company although she spent most of her time at home in her room. She worked from home. She made and sold art but never shared any of her art. She was a bit secluded which was fine as she was never late with rent payments. She was always friendly but never touchy.

She really liked when Sarah and Daniel came over to hangout. At first she was a bit shy around them but opened up and was joking with the rest of us but never joined in on the more lewd jokes. Once she left the room while we were joking about Sarah's tits, Daniels abs and my (as Sarah put it) cute bubble butt. And another time when Daniel thought she should wear jeans instead of dresses or long skirts all the time.

It was a Friday morning. I had the day off as they were doing renovations in my office. I was sitting on the sofa watching some bad crime investigation series while having a bowl of cereal. The show was about a murder that had happened on a beach so there was scene where they were questioning some women wearing bikinis. I was wearing my sweatpants but noting else. I was stirring my cereal with my spoon in a circle when Ann opened her door. She must've thought I was doing something different as she saw me from the side with the back of the sofa.

"OH! I AM SO SORRY!" She squealed as she ran back into her room and slammed the door behind her.

I sat there with a confused with my mouth open. I put down my bowl and ran over to hear door.

"Hey Ann! I was just eating some cereal." I explained as I was knocking lightly on her door.

She opened her door slightly. Her bright blue eyes stared and went up and down checking my body. I could feel her eyes on my body like her eyes were shooting a laser. A warmth where ever she looked. Her cheeks were flushed.

"Oh... oh. I am sorry. I thought you were... you know." She whispered.

"Well I wouldn't be doing that in the living room." I said shyly while scratching the back of my head.

"Would you also like a bowl?" I asked while trying to get eye contact.

"N-no. I am good." she stammered. "I was going to take a shower before I ate breakfast. Thank you." She hurried as she closed and locked the door.

I stood there stunned for a while. Let out a sigh and returned to my position in front of the TV. I heard the shower turn on. After about 15 minutes I had lowered the volume on the TV and was laying on the sofa just flipping through my phone. I heard it. It was faint but I heard it. It was a moan. I barely heard it over the shower.

My heart started beating so fast. I imagined Ann standing there in the shower. Water running down her petite curvy body. Her left hand digging her big tits and her left rubbing her soaping wet clit. Her wide hips thrusting forward into her hand. Her fat ass jiggling with each thrust into her hand as she started to finger herself.

I reached down into my sweatpants. Took my now hard dick in between my fingers and started stroking in up and down with the pace I imagined she was. Precum leaking and forming a little spot on my pants. Then I did a mistake. I imagined us together. Her laughing at my little dick as I tried to put it into her wet cunt. My erection went away faster then it had appeared. Then I was ashamed of myself. Ann was my friend. As well a little too young for me. She was asexual. She might have just stubbed her toe or something...

I hurried over to my room. Changed my clothes and sat on my bed in shame for a while. I heard her door open. She must've stepped out of the shower a little while ago. It was quiet for a while heard some pots and pans clanking from the kitchen. She must be making breakfast. For such a thin and petite girl, even if she had wide hips and big perky tits, she ate a lot. A little bit more then me actually which was fine. I could technically live at this place by myself but I would have very little spending money left over.

I was still lying in my bed an hour later flipping through phone with lingering shame. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. She had never done that before! Had she seen me or heard me?! I sprang out of bed and walked briskly towards my bedroom door. Opened it slowly to see her beautiful smile shining back at me from below.

"Morning again Ray!" She burst out. "I was wondering. My birthday is tomorrow would you like to hang out?" She inquired with a smile.

"Oh y-yeah. I would love to. 21 doesn't happen often. Well, what would you like to do?" I asked back.

"Umm.. That's something I would need your help with. I have never visited a bar before. We could go to a new place just the two of us?" She pleaded and with the last sentence her nose scrunched in her own cute fashion.

"Well, that sounds good. Sure I'm down." I merrily announced.

We sat down in the living room and planned our night. We looked up a club downtown called The Secret Garden. During the day it was a restaurant that served mostly salads. And at night it called it self a LGBTQ+ friendly dance bar. So we were going to take a cab there and then enjoy the first time she legally got herself drunk. But seeing how prude and orderly she was I'm guessing it might be her first time getting drunk at all.

We took a cab the very next day after cooking a nice pasta dinner together. I'm still surprised of how much food that little petite girl can stuff down. I guess some are born with different metabolism. She was wearing a flowery dress with a long poofy skirt that I had never seen before with an equally flowery purse. And this time the dress actually had a little bit of cleavage showing! It's a shame that she is asexual and look such a cute shorty with curves you could die for but I guess that's a struggle for her as well.

We got in the cab together and she was very nervous and didn't know what to do with her hands. So I started a conversation to ease her mind and we talked about the latest show we watch together of how much we hated the main character choices and almost rooted for the antagonist. After we had arrived we found ourselves a little booth that we both fit into. The place was packed. It was mostly men but seeing how I saw most of them making out in a corner here and there I guess it was really LGBTQ+ friendly.

I had ordered a variety of drinks to let Ann find out what she liked. We sat close to each other I could feel the warmth of her thigh on mine. After a few drinks in we were both pretty tipsy and made a fun game of guessing the other people in the bars life. Who they were going home with etc. She even made a couple of lewd jokes. I guess she can let loose when she gets a few drinks in her. Laughs were had and we had a pretty good mood.

"Well, It's such a shame you're asexual else you could get anyone you would like in this bar." I murmured with a little slur.

Her face turned instantly beet red. She looked at me from the side.

"S-so could you as well you know." She stammered. "You're so cute and kind, Ray." She followed.

"Cute and kind doesn't always get the ladies..." I sighed.

"Aww! You poor thing." She said and reached in for a hug.

Our arms enveloped each other. She was so warm and her skin was smooth like someone had polished it. Her firm breasts pressed into my chest and I could feel her heart beat. After a second or so she quickly returned her hands to her drink.

"I need to powder my nose." She blurted out after a taking a quick sip.

"Sure thing I'll stay and keep our seats." I responded.

She hurriedly got up and went towards the toilets. This place all had uni sex toilets. No booths but doors that led to private ones. Two hallways that led to two rows of them. I guess it used to be separated.

It was taking a while and I started to do our game on our own. To my left sat a pair of athletic guys gently nibbling on each others lips. A little line of spit formed a bridge in between their mouths.One of the guys reminded me of Daniel. Then his partner started rubbing Daniel look a likes bulge. I could feel the heat rising in my face as I saw the bulge growing slightly. My eyes quickly darted towards my drink I had in between my hands. I downed that white Russian faster then a camel that been without water for a year.

I sat there for a couple of more minutes trying to find the meaning of life at the bottom of my glass when I realized I also needed to powder my nose. I got up and went into one of the hallways. Most of the toilets were occupied but not the last one in the hallway. The inside of the toilet was nice and clean and painted white except for all the writing the on the wall by the drunk customers. I sat down and started to read some of them.

"For a good time call..." Read one "John is freaking hung!" Read another "Lisa is such a biaaatch!" Read the third.

Then a noticed there was writing on what looked like a white round hatch. I hadn't noticed it but now I saw it clearly centered low on the wall. On it read the following.

"If you want to suck knock twice. If you want to get sucked wait for two knocks. P.S. remember to open the lid :)"

My heart started beating out of my chest. And I imagined that Daniel sat on the other side with his thick beating cock on the other side. Fuuuuck I thought to myself. Should I? I can try it nobody will find out. I knocked twice and opened the hatch. There was a hatch on the other side. I placed my hands on my knees and tried to breathe to calm myself. After listening to nothing but my heartbeat for half a minute I felt like I was just stupid. I reached my hand out to close the hatch and forget I even tried it. Then it happened. I heard the hatch on the other side open. I retracted my hand back to my knee as if someone had poured boiling water on it.

I wasn't ready for what was to happen next. The thickest head of a cock I have even seen poked out from the hole in the wall. It was the size of my closed fist. It had pale white foreskin covering most of it but I could see a huge urethra slit in the opening of it. The foreskin had hanging a little bit off the tip. And from the pink slit there was a a little stream of clear precum leaking out in pulses.

"Holy fuck..." I whispered to myself in disbelief as I could feel my dick pitching a small tent in my pants.

And then it continued slowly pushing out. 5 inches out I could see the thick veins covering the massive meat pole. The cock was so thick! It was thicker then my cock was long. And it just kept getting longer the further into my side it was pushed. More and more cock slowly came out of the hole. 18-19 inches of pale white cock was jutting out of the wall angled a bit upwards. It was like throbbing to whoever it was attached heart beat. A little puddle of pre was forming beneath it on the floor. I sat there scared and incredibly horny. It had to be fake right? No human could have such a massive cock. It was everything I wasn't. Thick, long and virile.

I sat there for a while I had no idea how long. Time was lost to me. All I could stare at the monster that had invaded my bathroom wall. It started to retract! I panicked and reached out my hand and grabbed the base. It was a tiny bit thinner at the base but my hand was nowhere close to reach around it. It was way different then I had imagined. The heat radiated into my palm. It was I hand grabbed a steel rod that was covered in smooth white silk. I could feel it pulse in my hand. It pushed itself a little further in to get back in its original position. The giant cock started throbbing as to say "Do something" "Touch me more" "Make me cum".

"Fuck! You're so big." I muttered to myself as I got down on my knees in front of it.

I started moving my hands up and down the massive rod. I could feel the veins pulsing underneath my hands. Pre cum leaking more and more from the giant head in front of my face. I inhaled deeply with my nose. It was such an erotic smell with a hint of vanilla. Every time I stroked it down the foreskin slipped of the front showing the giant pink head glistening with precum. It looked so inviting. I nervously reached out my tongue just to touch the the big cum slit.

As my tongue reached the smooth giant cock head, I felt an orgasmic jolt shooting down my head right to my crotch. I moaned loudly. He must've heard me because the cock started twitching and slobbered my face with pre. I lapped up some pre into my mouth while stroking the giant back and forth. It was so sweet and tasty. I could feel my head going numb. I was loosing my self to this massive slab of meat. It was a like a never ending stream of thick nectar. When it pulsed out I lapped it up and swallowed. Then I realized I could just suck it out. I placed my lips around the tip of the head. It felt so good I tried to fit more into my mouth but my jaw reaching it's limit. Wish I could fit it all in my mouth but that was not going to happen today. It was so smooth and covered in thick pre. I started sucking. He must've liked that even more as he started bucking again. I had a hard time keeping it in my mouth but I won. I wanted more sweet nectar down my gullet.

"UUUUGGHH!" I moaned loudly!

I wanted more! I picked up my pace with my hands trying to cover the cock that would at least require 2 more pairs of hands to handle. With regret I let my mouth off the blissful head with a loud *POP*. I rubbed the head of the cock with my hands to get some of the silky liquid on my hands. Breathing heavily while thrusting my hips into the empty air. I couldn't wait any longer. I returned my hands to the thick rod and started to vigorously beat it. It was making such lewd noises as I moved my hands up and down its mighty length. I returned my lips to its rightful place on the head of this giant cock. My mouth and face full of sweet clear liquid. I swallowed as fast as I could. My core getting warmer and warmer. Jolts upon orgasmic jolts shivered down my spine and crotch. This was heaven.

"MMMmmmh!" I noisily moaned while sucking on the tip.

The vibration or noise I made must've set something off for the guy on the other side. I could feel the already impossibly huge cock getting larger in my hands. It spasmed hard! Then it hit my in the back of my throat. A thick salty sweet load which almost made my head blast backwards from the recoil. It was soooo good. I kept swallowing as hard as I could but it was so much it started spilling from the sides of my mouth onto the floor. More! I thought. I want more! I was so thick and globs of cum kept leaking from my sides. I couldn't even count the number of times he came into my mouth. It started to subside and I had to let go as my lungs were starting to burn. I let go of the tip with a loud pop when I thought it was over. I was shivering all over. With one last long spurt it covered my face with white thick cum. I tried to open my eyes but my lashes had a thick globs of sperm attached to it. I wiped my face of with my hand put it into mouth and moaned again. I slumped down onto the floor.

I was just sitting there breathing like I had just ran a marathon. The giant head was just pulsing small streams of white delicious cum as it was retracting back into the foreskin. I started to lick it clean. I just couldn't let any of it go to waste. The cock started twitching. It was so sensitive after giving me such an enormous load. Was it a gallon? I felt bloated and full. The giant cock started to shrink but it would still put mine to shame. I licked the length up and down to clean it. Me knees was almost sliding on the cum covered floor. It shrank down to an impressive 10 inches it was still fucking thick but a lot softer. And I felt it's owner try to pull it back to the other side of the wall. In a panic I held it back. I don't want this cock to leave me!r"


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